Several months ago, we journeyed down this way
Following His voice, obeying what He would say
All of entering to a world, truly unseen
With God taking our hands, and learning to lean
So here comes a team, to the land that God forgot
We didn't look back, for those tickets had been bought
We are a team of 13 traveling afar
Never once all meeting, or riding in a car
First there is Fred, and Linda his charming wife
Mike is their son and has been his whole life
The youngest is Brook who hails from NC
While Katie flew the farthest, from Milwaukee
Three hail from NH, Kayleen Anna and Bobbi
Three call Maine home, Josh, Meegan and Lindsay
We have 2 more who flew ahead to meet us
And when we land they will be there to greet us
The New England group flew down from Portland
With the other group flying up from NC
We met up in DC - then to JFK
Then over the shining sea
Before we got aboard
A crisis did abound
Panic hit in the lobby
Anna's passport lost then found
Man, what a big plane
So excited to leave
All in our orange shirts
Flipping out for our own TVs
We landed in Windhoek, all of us safe and sound
But the microchip in Bobbi's passport could not be found
Even though we had been flying for quite a while
We were excited to complete the team here come Jenn & Kyle
We loaded up kombies with everyone's stuff
And we started our 5 hour drive, man would that be tough
Seeing so many new things, with new sights to explore
We had no idea with us, what had God in store
Arandis was just a small light in a wide open space
And instantly returned joy to our face
A good nights sleep is what we all did need
We were ready to start in planting some seeds
Meegan and Anna headed to the preschool
Guys went to throw sand
Jenn was led to Revival
Others made things by hand
For those of you who don't know much
Or some who might know your stuff
Never be around a person
When he says he has to puff
Each bag of sand would help with bricks
And each necklace they would sell
The sewing of each scarf and bag
Each in the story to tell
Some people taught music in the school
Bringing smiles to each kid
Jazz, Classical, Country, Rock,
Hip Hop words like 'thrid'
Each of our days spending afternoon with the kids
And taking walks all around Arandis land
The kids making ways to our hearts
Forever together in the palm of God's hand
Linda and Meegan organized books
While others got lost in the town
Everyone of the kids offering a smile
Truly a joy to be around
We had our fun on the dunes of sand
Clocking speeds of 45 miles per hour
Enjoy Swakop and the ocean too
We'll forever have sand in the shower
We jumped off of the dam
Swimming with fishes like cod
Smacking our faces, feet and backs
Stop groaning and worship God!
Another wood market, another great deal
Off to the safari and great views we would steal
The oryx, giraffes, and a warthog or two
Even had rhinos trying to mate with you
Some saw the lions
While others sat to chill
Watching the final sunset
Fading behind a hill
We drove down to Windhoek
To eat some game before you go
Kudu, Zebra and Ostrich
Bellies full, we left Joe's
What a wonderful blessing this trip has been
We have been so encouraged beyond words
Fifteen days seeking God's plan
Walking closer to our great Lord
We will go our separate ways
Back to the places where we did begin
Thirteen stangers now equal a family
For we are Namibia 2010