Final Days

Posted on 8/20/2010 09:57:00 AM by mike

Tuesday was our day of goodbyes. We spent some time in the morning with Tresford at the plot where the new church building with be built. He shared with us some of the history of their ministry in Arandis and their visions for the future. We capped our time by praying for God's blessing on the plot, the building, and the vision. The afternoon was spent visiting the various families we've come to love over the past week. There were many last photos together, many hugs, and even some tears. This began the point of transition in our trip, from outward ministry focus to inward reflection. The next few days we would spend considering all the things we had learned and how to communicate those things to our friends and family back home.

Wednesday morning came early as we packed the kombies and waved goodbye to the town that had been our home. We drove 3 hours back to Okahandja where we stayed with Dieter and Joan Morsbach, some full-time Namibian missionaries to Namibia. While we would spend these days in reflection and talking about returning home, we also had the opportunity to do some touristy, once-in-a-lifetime activities. We got to go swimming at a nearby dam, catch the sunset at Monkey Mountain, shop at the woodcarvers markets, and go on a little safari. Our game drive lasted about 2 hours and we saw springbok, giraffe, kudu, oryx, blesbok, rhinos, crocodiles and so much more. After the game drive we wanted to go see the lion feeding, but were told that it was fully booked. We were praying that some spots would open up or some people wouldn't show and sure enough, God proved faithful again. Eight spots opened up for this unique experience to observe some of the most powerful, majestic creatures on the planet.

That evening we dined at one of my favorite restaunts in the entire world, Joe's Beerhouse. We got to eat some of the animals that we had just seen in the afternoon. The Bushman's Sosatie was a popular choice which included ostrich, zebra, kudu, crocodile and chicken. Others tried Zebra steaks, Kudu steaks, or Springbok fillets, all excellent choices. Our final packing began that night as half the team needed to be out to take Kyle and Jenn to the airport at 5:15am. The rest of the team left from Windhoek at 11:30. Now we find ourselves rejoined with Kyle and Jenn for some last precious team time before we board our separate planes for the long flight home. We covet your prayers for safety in travel and these next few weeks of re-entry as many experience reverse culture shock for the first time. Thanks so much for all your encouragement in the comments and continually bringing us before the throne in prayer. We appreciate you more than you know. See you soon!


  1. Safe travels to all! Praying for you as you re-enter life as we know it. You will never be the same! Even the tiniest specks of dust get in your blood and remain forever! Mike, when you get back, we need to talk about what life was like for you when you spent a year there! : ) Can't wait to hear all about this trip!

  2. brittney lacourse4:41 PM, August 20, 2010

    Miss you alot Bobbi!!!!

    (And others, (: )

  3. Love the pic Kyle. CLASSIC
    Give me a call when your home so we can talk about all the amazing experiences you had.

  4. praying for safe travels and for each of you as you arrive back home and are separated from the "family" you have grown so close to in the past couple weeks.

    Love -G
