First Day of Ministry

Posted on 8/10/2010 05:19:00 AM by mike

If Sunday was our day of rest and worship, Monday was without a doubt our first day of work. Our schedule for the week will be about the same so the run down of Monday will give you a pretty good idea of what we'll be up to. His Promise Ministries Namibia (HPMN) has been looking for an opportunity to hold a training seminar for their foster mommies. The problem has been that all of those mommies have other responsibilities to fill during the week. So one of our major tasks will be helping fill in for the mommies while they are at a week long training seminar with Sylvia Beukes, the HPMN National Director. Anna and Meegan put their teaching skills to work filling in for one of the mommies who teaches at Talitha Kumi Preschool (a ministry of His Promise Ministries Namibia). This week their theme is 'eggs' so they spent the afternoon brainstorming about all the different topics and ways they can teach their preschoolers about eggs! Jenn has taken on a special project for the week, being a one-on-one aid for Revival! Revival is a young HPMN girl who is mostly deaf and has some speech and learning difficulties. That said, she has no lack of energy! Jenn was excited about the opportunity since she remembered Revival from a previous trip. She has already mentioned how much developmental progress Revival has made since they last met.

The training goes until 4:00 each afternoon, but the children arrive home from school between 12:15-1:00. So our team split up amongst the houses in groups of three to help watch the kids for the afternoon. We got them lunch, then started in on homework. Next week is the end of the second trimester of their school year so all the students have exams they are preparing for. Hopefully our study sessions will help them all pass with flying colors. After homework time we had a great time playing games with them, learning some of their games, and simply giving them the love and attention that children here desperately need.

We're also working together with Pastor Tresford & Fabiola Banda from Arandis Christian Center. The church is in the midst of a building project. They have always rented space in the Town Hall for their services which is not always as reliable as it may sound. Furthermore, they are overcrowded with anywhere from 80-150 kids in Sunday School that they hold in the Banda's house. So you can imagine their excitement about the possibilities of having their own building space. Monday morning, Fred, Kyle, and Josh helped Tresford collect some sand and start mixing the cement for making bricks (good manly work!). Lindsay, Bobbi, Brook, and Kayleen were making bead jewelry for the church to sell at an upcoming bazaar to help raise money for the project.
Kayleen and Katie were also brainstorming some t-shirt designs that the church can print and sell at the bazaar. Katie was a little nervous about the design project because she doesn't have her laptop and all the programs and tools she typically uses. But she was overjoyed to discover that Tresford had the latest version of INDesign on his computer, the very program she uses at home! It's amazing how God provides even the little things.

After our first day of ministry the whole team is excited for what the rest of the week will hold. Bobbi mentioned how great it was to be playing with the kids because we're finally doing what we came her to do. From my perspective, it's been incredible to see a team from all over the U.S. come together to form a family. Everyone has a great servant's attitude being willing to jump right in and do anything they're asked. Thanks for your continued prayers and be sure to check out the latest pics in the Photo Album!


  1. Wow! I can't believe how much everyone
    has done so far! Great job! God must be
    smiling down at you all right now. :)
    keeping you all in my prayers....

    Leah Dezan

  2. Meegan in Arandis :)9:29 AM, August 10, 2010

    Watch out for puffs :) =======()

  3. lindsay's family9:33 AM, August 10, 2010

    Wow. It's great to see all the pictures and all the work you all are doing. God is so good. Lins love and miss you.

  4. Wow! Thanks for sharing the great pics! Looks like everyone is enjoying the tasks at hand. We do need some pics of the men(doing the manly work of mixing the cement)! Kayleen, you spent the afternoon playing with "my" kids!!! :) I miss them all very much. They all look very happy! Prayers for the team and for the families, especially for the mommies who have this opportunity for the training with Sylvia this week. Love to all!

  5. Thanks for all the great photos, can't wait to see more!

  6. Loved seeing all these pictures! Kind of makes the distance a little smaller, somehow :-)

  7. Dear Team,
    Loved seeing the photos. Especially loved seeing our beautiful granddaughter at work for our Lord.
    BLESS...we did pray for each of you at church, and will lift you up daily.
    Kayleen's Muzzy and Poppy

  8. great pics :)) enjoy every second... it will be over before you know it!!

    Love -G

  9. Love ya, Grampa and Grammy11:43 AM, August 10, 2010

    Kayleen, LOVE the pictures, and you look so happy I had BIG smiles for you. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!

  10. Katie's Mom and Dad12:30 PM, August 10, 2010

    Love the photos. Keep them coming! Those team t-shirts are just awesome! :) Sounds like you are already putting your talents to good work. We love you, Katie!

  11. Kayleen!

    I miss you! Looks like you are having tons of fun! Oh! and Alexandra says hi too! Can't Wait to see you! God Bless You!

    -Sweep (and Alexandra, and the rest of the Sweep family!)

  12. You are truly keeping busy. Keep up the work of the Lord

  13. Dennis Wilson SBC8:43 PM, August 10, 2010

    Hey Guys it is nice to get your hands dirty moving sand and mixing cement for the Lord. Our prayers are with you keep up the good work and have Fun.

  14. Sounds AWESOME! Glad to hear you are all safe and spreading God's love! I'm praying for your team!
    ~Rosie, Katie's roomie :)

  15. Ack, I posted earlier today and it isn't there anymore! So, I'll try to repeat what I had written hours earlier...

    Isn't it just amazing how we worry about details and God has long ago taken care of them? He is awesome.

    I don't know what the t-shirts are going to say, but I know that if Katie is designing them I will most definitely want one!!

    I love you, fiancee!

  16. Hey Bobbi, Mom says she's been trying to leave comments but can't seem to get them to work.... Glad everyone is safe and things are going well... Love you!!!

  17. Hey guys, thinking of you and praying for you!

  18. Love all the photos!
