TBIF - Too bad it's Friday

Posted on 8/14/2010 06:19:00 PM by mike

Friday - it is offically one week since we have set the journey of our lives into motion. The days are flying by and we are wishing and hoping they will slow down. The women of the team had the blessed oppurtunity to celebrate woman's day with some of the His Promise mommies. We celebrated being women and how we are such a blessing to God and how He has a specific plan for each one of us. The mommies earlier in the week had made hats to celebrate their creative side. Along with the homemade hats, several of our team brought hats that represented who we were. Some featured sports teams while other woman created hats while here in Namibia. Jenn and Linda both offered words of encouragment to the women and young adults who were there. Prizes were awarded for the most creative hats. After the snacks, we were able to share with the mommies about how blessed each one of the team members had been during the past week in working with each of their families. We spent time in prayer, some in Damara, Afrikaans and English - all just praising and thanking God for the blessing of being women.

While the women were enjoying tea, the men were doing their grunt work - making bricks. After a few epic fails they were able to complete 24 bricks in 2 hours, a start in making the church for the Arandis Christian Center. They estimate that they'll need 10,000 bricks in total. The hard work was very much appreciated by the church and Tresford and his family.

Meegan decided to plan a tastey treat for supper. While making her favorite, Shepherd's PIe, she decided replace the beef with Oryx, an anteloupe relative native to Namibia. After all the dinner was eaten, Meegan and Fred shared the surpirse with the rest of the team. There were no immediate trips to the restroom, so cooking Namibian style: a huge success.

Saturday, we had planned a braai with all of the His Promise kids and families. A Braai is a cookout, BBQ, or other event where the main meal is grilled outside. While the dinner was cooking, the team played soccer, jumprope, and board games with all of the children there. It was a great chance to re-connect with some of the kids, and fellowship with the moms and dads. To commemorate the evening, a group picture with everybody was taken - which was a first of its kind in several years.

Our day ended with a campfire and worshiping the Creator under the vast expanse of the stars. We were encouraged and prompted to make the most of every moment with these families, and to continue these bonds even once we return home.

(written by Meegan)


  1. We keep praying for you guys. Glad the experience is so wonderful. Thanks for the photos and the blog.

  2. Kayleen's Parents10:21 PM, August 14, 2010

    Hi all! Thanks for the wonderful pictures and video! It is amazing to see the way God is working and the ministry that is ongoing in Arandis. We will keep praying for you all as you continue into the next week.
    Love ya, Little Miss,
    Mom and Dad

  3. Josh we pray for you daily, we know god is using you all for His Glory, we are so anzious to hear about all the Blessings...we love you much PaPa and Grandma in Vegas.

  4. Kayleen's Best Friend (:12:44 AM, August 15, 2010

    Thank you so much for the team video...I LOVE IT!!!! :D
    So glad to hear you all are having such a great time (:
    LOVE YA KAY!!!!

  5. nice job meegs! I bet it was the best shepards pie you've ever had!!!

    Love -G

  6. The Crawford Family8:53 PM, August 15, 2010

    Thanks for the updates. It is so great to read about God's work. Lins, how was the shepards pie? Love and miss you all.

  7. Happy Monday! Still staying up late and getting up early? Continuing to pray for your health & strength. Enjoy every minute this week. As you serve this week, I hope you see God and get to watch His hand move. Blessings!

  8. Hahahah Meegan <3
    I'm glad you are all having a great time (:
    Stay safe, and may God bless the rest of your trip!!!

  9. Love the hats :) Hopefully someday I'll be able to join you in Namibia for a braai!!

  10. Praying that you all have a blessed week. I expect to hear more good reports of the events for the week.
    Josh, Miss you and am looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. I know that God is using you there but also know He is working on you too.
    I Love You MAN!!!

  11. Hi there!! Love you and thinking so much about you being there!! Dittos to all the above comments for all team members. Today is Monday and I leave on Thur for IL. Are you guys going on a safari while there? Climbing a sand dune?? miss you and praying God leads and you follow!! Love mom
