Coming Down the Mountain
The return trip home was like coming down from a mountain top experience with God. The way seemed more familiar, so not quite so long. Still, we wrote in each other's journals our last thoughts, words of appreciation and encouragement, and watched our Team dwindle in numbers as we sent off a few at a time. By the time we reached Dulles airport and had to say goodbye to the New England portion of the Team, tears were flowing freely as we felt the pull of our American lives getting stronger. No one was ready to let go of all that was Namibia to us.
Now we face, once again, those thoughts, feelings and experiences that we have only talked about thus far. How can we communicate effectively what God has done in our lives? How can we hold on to the lessons He has taught us? There will certainly be those indescribable moments for each of us where God showed up. We hold them close to our hearts. We will be praying for that child that found a special place next to our heart, then remember that all of them need prayer and pray for them as well. We will miss one another and ask God to hold them close and help us to keep in touch and faithful to our newest close friends.I ask you to join us in prayer that we will be faithful to hold on to the lessons God has taught us through our journey; that we will be faithful to watch for God sightings each day, and take time to appreciate God for what He is doing. Above all, that each of the Nam2010 Go Team will keep looking to Jesus to light the next step of the path that He has for us, and to have the courage and faith to take the next step with Him.
Thank you for being a part of our adventure with God in Namibia!
praying for you all... dinner soon mike!
ReplyDeleteLove -G
Thank you, for this last post. I miss all of you.