Another Day, Another Opportunity

Posted on 8/12/2010 05:41:00 AM by mike

Wednesday morning brought more wind and more ministry opportunities. This time Josh joined Anna in the preschool while the others continued helping the Bandas with craft projects to sell. Here Fred is showing off some of the lovely scarfs that they made. They also made some tie-dye t-shirts which they will put Katie's designs on. Speaking of Katie's design, her images are up in the Photo Album for you to check out. The first image is the church logo which goes on the front of the shirt. The other designs will go on the back of the shirts for men, women, and children respectively. I'm sure she'll take orders if you leave them in the comments!

In the afternoon we continued to help in the homes with the children's homework. Their exams this week include things like Mathmatics, Social Studies, English and Afrikaans. When it's time to study things like long division or multiplication, many of us have come to realize how long it's been since we've done that and find that we need to relearn it ourselves! Oh how calculators stunt the mind. Afterward games and walks around town give us great opportunities to build into these kids lives. Conversations can range from surface and ordinary to discussing past hurts, being a positive leader, sexual purity and spirituality. For example, Fred sat down on the couch with Chrizelda and was asked, "Who is God?" These are the exactly the conversations we are here for. Please pray with us for more of these opportunities to speak God into the lives of these children.

In the evening a few of us had the opportunity to join the church Bible Study. The lesson was about Genesis 26 when Isaac was tempted to leave the Promised Land because of a famine, but God reaffirmed His promises to Isaac who decided to obey and stay in the land. Meanwhile others went out for a walk to enjoy the cool evening air and the beautiful view of the southern stars. The team continues to do well fending off the exhaustion of late nights and early mornings, so we covet your prayers for strength.

All the ladies are looking forward to the Women's Day celebration on Friday morning. International Women's Day was a little while back but they weren't able to have a celebration on the actual day. So Sylvia Beukes came up with the great idea to hold a belated celebration while our team is here. For two hours on Friday morning all our women will join the women of Arandis to celebrate womanhood. Linda spent Wednesday afternoon helping some of them make hats for the occasion. She and Jenn will both be keynote speakers along with Sylvia. Please be in prayer for the whole event and particularly Jenn and Linda as they prepare to be vessels for God to share His words with these women.


  1. Praise God for all of those "God" things going on there. I am sure the locals are being encouraged as well as the team being blessed. We remember you guys daily in prayer and thought.

  2. Words can't describe how happy I am that you are with all those kids right now. Every picture of you with them makes me smile. It is so special what you all are doing! And yes.....I will pray for more opportunites to speak to the kids about God. This could change there lives forever!

  3. Keep up the great work everyone! I'm excited to hear of all the opportunities God is providing.

    Katie - the shirts are awesome, as usual! I love you!

  4. Whos is God? I loveeee it. What amazing opportunity. - still praying - Tiffany

  5. Great job on the t-shirt designs Katie. Math? Confession, I also use calculator. =) Who is God? Wow! What an open wide door opportunity. I will pray for more of these and strength for you all from the late night/early mornings. What a great idea Sylvia, to have belated celebration. I will pray for the three of you as speakers and I will pray that women that normally would like their seclusion would even come out for this event. God will give you all the words these beautiful women need to hear. I am trusting God with you all to make himself known, heal, restore and transform lives in ALL of Arrandis. Be encouraged that many are backing you all up with our prayers. Have a blessed day today & tomorrow. Warm Smile, Darla

  6. The Crawford Family10:20 AM, August 12, 2010

    Wow! Great job with everything that you all are doing. Great jobs with the t-shirts. I pray that there will be more open doors to speak about God, and that the womens hat day goes well. I pray also for the children and the exams that are coming up in the next week and for the teens working with the kids to get them ready for the exams. Also praying for the team that you all are well rested and ready for each day with an open heart ready to serve God. Love you all:)

  7. Katie's Mom and Dad1:29 PM, August 12, 2010

    Katie - tshirts are great and very inspirational. You and the team are certainly sharing your talents with the people of Arandis. I wonder if it's as hot there as it is in Milwaukee. High temperature is projected to be 90 degrees today. We love and miss you.

  8. May the Lord continue to bring glory to His name through your words and actions among the people, and may His Truth go forth and change hearts and history through the time we have and the lives we are given.
    May the people be given a picture of God's love when they see you, and hear the voice of God when you speak, since we are being made into the image of Christ and since the Spirit gives words when we ask Him.

    Jeff McSwain

  9. Bobbi, Hi!!! I got it to work (with Niki's help) I miss you so much. I love reading the blog and seeing how it's going. I'm praying continuously for you, the team, and the mission God has for you. Meme and her prayer group are praying too. Love, Mom.

  10. Brook it is so good to hear from you. I know you are having so much fun. I know the people see Jesus every day with everything you do and say. It is great to see all that the team is doing for the Lord and with the Lord. You all are in our prayers and we love you. Brook we are missing you very much. Brook can you send the flight number for the flight when you land in Raliegh. Linda, Sheyla is great. There is no end to both the girls energy. We are leaving for Canada today. Sheyla says hi and I love you.

  11. It was so good to hear your voice. I could hear the joy you are feeling. I know you are where you want and need to be. Your always in my prayers. Love you

  12. Hi there Jenn, You and the others are in our prayers constantly. I'll be praying for your talk in the morning! Your heart will speak for you! We are missing you but otherwise doing good. Keep us posted on how you are! Love you too, Kyle. Jenn--doing puzzles?? Have you seen Nan, Rebecka, Brenda, Richard?? Love you m, d,and h!!

  13. awesome design Katie & Kayleen!! praying for you Linda & Jenn... international woman's day is always a big celebration from what I've heard. what a great opportunity for you both. Tell Sylvia I love & miss her!! God willing I will be back again. Fred... wow!! you missed your calling! what a great model ;) praying God continues to use the team's presence to bring to the surface the tough questions. I also pray that He fills you all with His wisdom to answer them.

    Love -G

  14. Brittney Lacourse12:47 PM, August 13, 2010

    Hello people in Namibia , : )
    I miss you all ALOT,
    And cant wait to see you guys once you get home . :D Still Praying for you all ,
    Love , Brittney Lacourse .

  15. The Crawford Family4:46 PM, August 13, 2010

    Hi Sis, just stopping in to say Hi and that we love and miss you. Praying for you all as you continue to do God's work. What an awesome God we serve.

  16. It is amazing to hear what God has been doing through your visit. I know that calculators stunt the mind. Nobody had to post that in a blog for me, it is just common knowledge :)

    We will continue to pray for all of you!

  17. Was getting use to the daily updates!! Miss you and thinking about you. Love you, Mom, Dad and Huddy B

  18. Hi mom and dad!!! I tried to email you but i dont know if it worked. but im doing great!!! life is great!! God is doing great things. i miss you guys. ill call you when were traveling on friday morning.
    love you


  19. Heyyyy just got your email!! Jenn so glad you are happy!! This is definitely a time of renewal and rebuilding for you!! I've written on every leave a comment except one!! so go look through them all!! Miss you and send our love to Kyle and all the team and friends there! Love, mom

  20. Hi guys, you are all doing a wonderful thing, God bless you and give you a safe trip home, I may try to meet you in Boston. See you soon.

    bye Cal Verrill
